Over the TechEDge

Connecting ideas, learning and life

The Power of Passion and Edcamps

This weekend I attended my 7th Edcamp. I think. To be honest I have stopped keeping track of annual professional learning experiences because it makes me feel old. Edcamps, Educon, Teachmeet, Online K-12, all began before Twitter, before Facebook, and before the iPhone and iPad became mainstream. Teachers have been sharing and teaching each other…

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Recognition and Leadership: You get what you give

It is hard being an innovator. Some people just don’t get it. For years I worked in traditional public school systems for administrators who were more worried about their own jobs than they were about supporting teachers and students. I would show up each day to be the best teacher I could be for the…

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All Hands on Deck

I am glad I waited until this quiet, dark Saturday morning to read Chapter 7 Creating a Shared Vision in George Couros’s The Innovator’s Mindset (2015); saving my co-workers from my animated summation. THIS is what I mean; THIS is what I want for us too, I am not crazy. The future belongs to those who…

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The Mind Body Connection

It has been several months since I have written, mostly because I have been too busy. Bring on May, and once again, I find myself sidelined with an injury. As I lay awake in the middle of the night trying to get comfortable, my mind started thinking and working and suddenly I found myself wide…

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On Slowing Down and Learning

Road Signs I have been pondering this post for a couple weeks as I look toward my goals for 2014. I am a firm believer in “signs.” If I stopped long enough to reflect on my actions and consequences, I would recognize the signs I have been rushing by the last couple months. It is…

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Do as I say, not as I do

What are we teaching kids implicitly? We love new technology in schools, everyone supports it! It is expected that everyone use technology throughout their day, and teach students how to use it as well. Explicitly, we support the use of technology in our technology plan, in our policies and procedures, in the grant applications we…

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Everything is difficult before it is easy.

Every time I visit the small, rural K-6 school district on the Maine border, I have to pass through the  gymnasium on my way to the Annex-where kindergarten through grade three lives. And as I head toward the doorway, on my way out of the building, just about eye level on the cinderblock gym wall…

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