Over the TechEDge

Connecting ideas, learning and life

The Power of Passion and Edcamps

This weekend I attended my 7th Edcamp. I think. To be honest I have stopped keeping track of annual professional learning experiences because it makes me feel old. Edcamps, Educon, Teachmeet, Online K-12, all began before Twitter, before Facebook, and before the iPhone and iPad became mainstream. Teachers have been sharing and teaching each other…

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Edu-Connections: Reflections on Educon2.4

It has been a week since Educon 2.4.I have needed that time to digest and process the time spent with some of the brightest, most optimistic, passionate thinkers I know. This year, for the first time, I had the opportunity to spend Friday at Science Leadership Academy, to visit classrooms, share moments with students, and…

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It’s all about Relationships

I am firmly convinced you cannot possibly move forward until you get to know each other and work as a team.


My First Educon

How do we expect them to be curious about learning if we don’t engage them in dialogue and conversation about what they know?

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